We're building two a day


September 20, 2015

Imagine being able to one day say we are planting one church for every day of the year...sometimes two. I look forward to seeing that taking placing in the Western World. George Hunter would say, "What apostolic confidence these people had!" I believe it can happen again. It must happen if we are serious about reaching our world!

In 1881 C.C.McCabe set on a train heading towards the Pacific Northwest of the United States. In a few days he would be heading the planning and the fundraising for the planting of Methodist churches over much of Oregon, Idaho and Washington. The Methodist Church was starting more than one new congregation a day; some months they averaged two churches a day.

An article in the McCabe's morning newspaper feature speech delivered in Chicago by Robert G Ingersoll, the famous agnostic philosopher, to a convention of the freethinkers Association of America. Ingersoll's speech declared that "the churches are dying out all over the earth; they are struck with death". When the train stopped at the next town McCabe send a telegram to Ingersoll, who was  still at the convention.

Dear Robert:

"All hail the power of Jesus name, we are building one Methodist Church for every day of the year, and proposed to make it to a day". C.C.McCabe

Word about the telegram leaked out and somebody wrote a folk hymn that was sung throughout the Pacific Northwest and preaching missions, camp meetings and Sunday services.

The infidels, a motley band,In council met, and said:"The churches are dying across the land,and soon they all be dead."When suddenly a message came And caught them with dismay: "All hail the power of Jesus name, We're building two a day!" 

"We're building two a day, dear Bob, we're building two a day!All hail the power of Jesus name,We're building to a day."

Can it happen again? Absolutely. There is more information and resources than ever before. 

The big question is this: 'Are there people with the apostolic confidence that is needed?'  

It begins with men & women who have confident and persevering faith, a resolve in God and His Word, saying yes to HIM? 

Excerpts from George G Hunters book, "To Spread the Power". Abington press 1987. Pages 19 to 20.

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A passionate international speaker, eager to share on faith, leadership, self care, healing, church planting, relationships and the Holy Spirit, Nick's heart is to simply add his voice to the lead pastors voice.

Nick travels internationally often, so please get in touch regardless of where you are.

God has wonderfully and generously provided for Nick and Karen, and while Nick doesn't have a speaking fee, if travel is able to be covered that would be great. He doesn't ever want anyone to feel any pressure. This is a faith ministry so simply give what you feel to give. Nick will also bring his resources with him if anyone wishes to purchase them.

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